I、Instructions for Trademark Renewal:
A registered trademark is valid for 10 years. An application for trademark renewal shall be filed within 6 months before expiration date while the registered trademark needs to be continued to use after expiration. Where the registrant fails to apply for renewal during this period, there is a grace period of six months. If no application has been filed during the grace period, the registered trademark shall be cancelled by the Trademark Office.i、the Application for the Trademark Renewal;
i、the Application for the Trademark Renewal;
ii、the Trademark Power of Attorney;
iii、Subject Qualification Documents;
iv、The copy of registration certificate;
v、the a application documents in a foreign language version shall be submitted with the Chinese version confirmed with the signature of a translation agency.
Please note: the renewal period:6 months before the expiration date -- fees:2000RMB;the grace period:6 months after the expiration date—fees:2500RMB.
III、Time required: 8-12 months.