
Trademark Administrative Litigation

ITypes of Administrative Litigation on Trademarks:

Parties concerned, who refuse to accept the ruling of the Trademark Office or Trademark Review and Adjudication Board or other administrative decisions, may file a lawsuit. The trademark administrative lawsuits are concerned about ruling on disputesruling on review of adjudication on oppositionruling on review of rejectionruling on review of trademark cancellationruling on the improper assignment of trademarks.

II、The following materials shall be submitted for administrative lawsuits:

1、Copies of Administrative Ruling or Decision;

2、Power of Attorney

3、Subject Qualification Certificate of the plaintiff or the defendant.

4、Reasons, Facts and Relevant Evidence.

III、Time Limit for court proceedings:

1、The trial of 1st instance is about 3 months;

2、The trial of 2nd instance is about 2 months.